Category: Uncategorized
Master Thesis on “Implementing and evaluating a Vision-Language-Action model for Robotic Manipulation“
The goal of the thesis is for the student to implement and evaluate a recent Visual-Language-Action model for robotic manipulation, OpenVLA, in a real robot-laboratory setting.
Master’s Thesis Topic on Discriminative Filtering/Feature Extraction for Classification of Tactile Signals
We are currently seeking for a motivated and talented master’s student to work on discriminative filtering and feature extraction for classification of tactile signals.
Master Thesis on “Learning From Demonstrations (LfDs) for Robotic Manipulators”
We are currently seeking a motivated and talented master’s student to investigate and improve upon a developed method that learns cost and constraints explicitly as part of their master’s thesis.
Master Thesis on “Teleoperation and Assistive Systems”
We are currently seeking a motivated and talented master’s student to work on developing a Teleoperation and Assistive system for robotic systems as part of their master’s thesis.
Intelligent Robotics @ IROS 2024
The Intelligent Robotics Group will be at IROS 2024 with six conference papers and two workshops
Meet us at ICRA 2024!
Learn about our recent work at ICRA 2024. Read more!
See you soon at IROS 2023!
The Intelligent Robotics group will attend to IROS 2023 in Detroit. Read more!
Summer Internships at the Intelligent Robotics Group
Every year the Intelligent Robotics Lab hires summer interns for a multitude of projects, ranging from infrastructure projects to advanced research topics. Two summer interns who recently finished their summer stay in Helsinki in 2023 are Tiia Tikkala and Sergio Hernández, both supervised by Dr. Kevin Sebastian Luck.
Explainable Interactions between Humans and Autonomous Systems
With the growing advancement of robotics research, there is a growing need for people-friendly communication between robots and humans. On one hand, the decisions of the autonomous system need to be understandable to humans, and on the other – humans need to be able to specify commands in a way that is natural to them. […]
Deformable Object Manipulation
In this project we research on how to manipulate more efficiently deformable objects by using dynamic manipulation as well as the modeling deformable objects via graph structures. Our applications range from manipulation of granular materials such as ground coffee to cloth manipulation.