Intelligent Robotics @ IROS 2024

The Intelligent Robotics Group will be at IROS 2024 in Abu Dhabi, UAE with the following conference papers:
- Shoaib Azam, Ville Kyrki, “Multi-Task Adaptive Gating Network for Trajectory Distilled Control Prediction” (RA-L paper, presented at IROS24)
- Shivam Chaubey, Francesco Verdoja, Ville Kyrki, “Jointly Learning Cost and Constraints from Demonstrations for Safe Trajectory Generation” (nominated for the Best Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics paper award)
- Francesco Verdoja, Tomasz Piotr Kucner, Ville Kyrki, “Bayesian Floor Field: Transferring people flow predictions across environments“
- Eric Mikael Leonard Hannus, Tran Nguyen Le, David Blanco-Mulero, Ville Kyrki, “Dynamic Manipulation of Deformable Objects using Imitation Learning with Adaptation to Hardware Constraints“
- Andrej Kružliak, Jiri Hartvich, Shubhan Patni, Lukas Rustler, Jan Kristof Behrens, Fares Abu-Dakka, Krystian Mikolajczyk, Ville Kyrki, Matej Hoffmann, “Interactive learning of physical object properties through robot manipulation and database of object measurements“
- Zheyu Zhuang, Ville Kyrki, Danica Kragic, “Raising Body Ownership in End-to-End Visuomotor Policy Learning via Robot-Centric Pooling”
Moreover, members of the Intelligent Robotics group are part of the organizing committees of the following workshops:
- From Learning-based to Foundation Models for Mapping: Challenges and Opportunities (Francesco Verdoja)
- RoMaDO: 4th workshop on RObotic MAnipulation of Deformable Objects: beyond traditional approaches (Tran Nguyen Le)
Congratulations to all authors and see you in Abu Dhabi!